This is an extensive revision of a book that I wrote over ten years ago. My purpose then has remained unchanged: to introduce the concepts and methods of spatial statistics to geologists and engineers working with oil and gas data. I believe I have accomplished more than that; just as I learned the basics of variography and kriging from books for mining engineers, this book could be used by scientists from many fields to learn the basics of the subject. I have tried to adopt an introductory and practical approach to the subject, knowing that books that detail the theory are available. What I say and write comes from my own experience. As a geologist working in the public sector, I have had the privilege of using geostatistics in funded research, in answering service requests from industry, and in short courses. I have taught geostatistics in the university classroom, and advised graduate students in theses and dissertations. I have attempted to anticipate the needs and questions of theenquiring scientist because I was there myself, and know the kind of questions and concerns I had at the time I was trying to learn the subject.
`I reviewed that first edition ... with the following conclusion: "This is a highly recommendable book, a starter text for both students and practitioners, and a complementary text to more thoery-oriented publications." I would maintain in all points that recommendation for this long overdue second edition. ... it is easily accessible, it speaks common sense and articulates the theory around examples with real data backed with geological interpretation. I definitely would add Michael Hohn's second edition of Geostatistics and Petroleum Geology to the list of required readings for any introductory class in geostatistics. The book delivers a global picture of the practice of geostatistics in clear, understandable terms. The examples are models of concision, the trademark of a good teacher.'
Andre G. Journel in Mathematical Geology, 32:1 (2000)
Andre G. Journel in Mathematical Geology, 32:1 (2000)
`I reviewed that first edition ... with the following conclusion: "This is a highly recommendable book, a starter text for both students and practitioners, and a complementary text to more thoery-oriented publications." I would maintain in all points that recommendation for this long overdue second edition. ... it is easily accessible, it speaks common sense and articulates the theory around examples with real data backed with geological interpretation. I definitely would add Michael Hohn's second edition of Geostatistics and Petroleum Geology to the list of required readings for any introductory class in geostatistics. The book delivers a global picture of the practice of geostatistics in clear, understandable terms. The examples are models of concision, the trademark of a good teacher.' Andre G. Journel in Mathematical Geology, 32:1 (2000)