In the last decades much has been written on the history of manufacturing firms and branches in the Nazi period. It is the aim of the present volume to provide a synthesis of at least a part of that new research.
A general result of the contributions each authored by an expert of the respective field is that enterprises still enjoyed a high degree of autonomy. The Nazi regime did not create a centrally planned economy. Rather by manipulating the conditions of doing business it tried to promote its war-related aims. However, that caused friction which in turn provoked new economic policy measures without ever solving all the self-inflicted problems.
A general result of the contributions each authored by an expert of the respective field is that enterprises still enjoyed a high degree of autonomy. The Nazi regime did not create a centrally planned economy. Rather by manipulating the conditions of doing business it tried to promote its war-related aims. However, that caused friction which in turn provoked new economic policy measures without ever solving all the self-inflicted problems.
"Insgesamt gesehen ermöglicht der Band einen raschen Einstieg in die Resultate einer überaus facettenreichen Forschung und ist daher auch für Leser im deutschsprachigen Raum, die die grundlegenden Monographien der Autoren nicht oder nur partiell zur Kenntnis nehmen konnten, empfehlenswert." Rudolf Boch Historische Zeitschrift 289, 2009