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  • Buch mit Leinen-Einband

Book eight of Thucydides deals with the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) after the disaster of the Sicilian expedition (413 BC), and thus with a phase in which the war seems to dissolve into a maze of individual actions. In spite of this, his description of events exercises a strange fascination on the reader, as long as one is prepared to confront the narrative as a process which many attempt to influence, but which ignores the desires and intentions of the actors while leaving behind not just apparent losers as victims.
Das achte Buch des Thukydides gilt dem peloponnesischen Krieg (431-404

Book eight of Thucydides deals with the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) after the disaster of the Sicilian expedition (413 BC), and thus with a phase in which the war seems to dissolve into a maze of individual actions. In spite of this, his description of events exercises a strange fascination on the reader, as long as one is prepared to confront the narrative as a process which many attempt to influence, but which ignores the desires and intentions of the actors while leaving behind not just apparent losers as victims.
Das achte Buch des Thukydides gilt dem peloponnesischen Krieg (431-404 v.Chr.) nach der sizilischen Katastrophe (413 v. Chr.) und damit einer Phase, in der sich der Krieg in einer schwer zu übersehenden Zahl von Einzelhandlungen zu verlieren scheint. Trotzdem geht von der Darstellung des Geschehens eine eigentümliche Faszination aus, insofern der Leser hier der Geschichte als einem Prozess begegnet, den zwar viele zu bestimmen suchen, der aber über Wünsche und Absichten der Handelnden hinweg geht und nicht nur scheinbar Unterliegende als Opfer zurücklässt.
Ernst Heitsch, Universität Regensburg.
"[...] this book can be commended to scholars for the stimulating remarks and discussions embedded in the paraphrasis."
Gauthier Liberman in: BMCR 2009.02.47