The purpose of this book was to develop an understanding of the views of competent students about their independent learning by participating in project work knowledge {excessive very} according to research at a private gym in Singapore. The main focus of this study was mainly on the central analytical question: however, are the students participating in the research-based project, performance data, including independent study? Long ago from the central analytical question, the study was guided by the following analytical questions: What were the students' pre-initiation goals and their participation in real and practical learning, in a meaningful way to equip and incorporate research-based research into their program? What reasons did they give for his intentions? What are the ways in which researchers have established and managed a "process" based on research into the work of their program? What reasons did they give for using these strategies? How important was the bursary to their goals and methods, and what reasons did they give for it? What results have researchers achieved because of their actions and for what reasons?