The Ghost Zone is a fictional dimension from the Nickelodeon animated television series Danny Phantom. Similar to the concept of the "Neitherworld" in the Beetlejuice animated series, the Ghost Zone is a realm in where in which metaphors are literal reality. Highlighted in season 3, the very fabric of the Ghost Zone coexists with the physical world; their mutual and dual existences is interlinked; they are the proverbial 'flip-side-of-the-coin' to each other. The 'Ghost Zone' is a dimension composed of variations of ectoplasm where 'ghosts' exist and through naturally occurring portals can cross-over into the human world, hoping to make a scene or take over mankind. The titular character, Danny Phantom, a.k.a. Danny Fenton, was involved in an accident in his parent's Basement/Laboratory. Danny's parents, Jack and Maddie Fenton's construction of a 'Ghost portal', an artificial gateway into the 'ghost zone', where-in Danny, standing inside his parents 'ghost portal' when it activated, is infused with ectoplasm all the way down to Danny's molecular level the end result is Danny's is rendered with a variety of 'ghost powers'.