Giant Bomb is a video game website and wiki that includes gaming news, reviews, commentary, and video, created by former GameSpot editors Jeff Gerstmann and Ryan Davis in collaboration with Whiskey Media. After being fired from his position as Editorial Director of GameSpot, Gerstmann began working with a team of web engineers in Sausalito, California to create a new video game website. His intent was to create "a fun video game website" that would not heavily cover the business side of the game industry. The site's core editorial staff includes Gerstmann and Davis, as well as Brad Shoemaker and Vinny Caravella, both also former GameSpot staff. Giant Bomb was unveiled on March 6, 2008 as a blog; the full site launched on July 20, 2008. The Giant Bomb office, known as the "Bomb Shelter", is located in Sausalito.