GIS has become a vital tool in spatial urban planning and management. This research explores potential applications of GIS to assist landscape planning and multi-criteria decision analysis. The GIS-Based decision making process helps to reconcile conflicts between environmental and socio-economic issues in a model that integrates and interpretes inter-relationships of spatial value systems. Key features of the text are: Review of theories, case studies and models of open space planning Explore GIS strengths, explicit principles and case studies of GIS applications in Landscape and Open Space Planning Demonstrate GIS-Based Vector Value Method to evaluate spatial value of landscape and support Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Describe a complete process of a GIS-Based Landscape Planning projects for HCMC (Database construction,Case studies, Model building and testing in different scenario). This book is ideal for students, professionals, and lecturers in GIS applied sciences. It is particularly useful for those who are looking for a deeper understanding of urban environment and solutions for resolving complex problems of urbanization in our changing environment.