"Gives Me Shivers" follows Jennifer, a spirited young woman who leaves her comfortable life for the vibrant energy of Berlin. With an exciting opportunity to join a student exchange program for her degree in Information Systems, she embarks on a thrilling new adventure. A dancer at heart, Jennifer thrives in Berlin's luxurious locations and hottest parties, where everything unfolds in an effortless flow. Caught in a whirlwind of electrifying nights, passionate romances, and unexpected challenges, she seizes a chance to showcase her skills in a startup competition, igniting her ambitions for a promising career. As she navigates this exhilarating city, she encounters Mike-the man she thought she'd left behind. Charming and intense, he rekindles feelings she believed were long extinguished. Torn between her exciting new life and the complexities of her past, Jennifer faces a maze of love and difficult choices. With every party, every kiss, and every secret, she must decide: will she follow her heart or risk it all in a city where fantasy and reality blur? Explosive and full of twists, "Gives Me Shivers" is a pulse-racing tale of love, desire, and self-discovery, filled with passion and erotic encounters in the most unexpected places.
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