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Recruited as a gladiator, young Marcus Cornelius Primus faces a new life of brutal training, governed by strict rules, as he learns the skills of an elite warrior. Yet, unbeknown to him, Marcus is hiding a life-threatening secret. And if the Romans discover it, there will be no escape. The first in an epic new series by bestselling author Simon Scarrow.

Recruited as a gladiator, young Marcus Cornelius Primus faces a new life of brutal training, governed by strict rules, as he learns the skills of an elite warrior. Yet, unbeknown to him, Marcus is hiding a life-threatening secret. And if the Romans discover it, there will be no escape. The first in an epic new series by bestselling author Simon Scarrow.
Simon Scarrow lebt im englischen Norfolk, wo er als College-Dozent Geschichte lehrt. Als ein großer Verehrer der Romane von Cornwell, Forester und O'Brian und ausgewiesener Kenner des Römischen Reichs beschloss Scarrow eines Tages, das zu schreiben, was er selbst gerne lesen würde: packende Abenteuerromane vor dem Hintergrund der römischen Invasion in Britannien im Jahre 43 n. Chr.
Simon Scarrow will do for boy gladiators what JK Rowling did for boy wizards.