High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The first season of the musical comedy-drama television series Glee originally aired from May 19, 2009 on Fox in the United States. The season was produced by 20th Century Fox Television and Ryan Murphy Television, and the executive producers were series creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, and Dante Di Loreto. The series focuses on on a high school glee club called "New Directions", set within the fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio. The season consists of 22 episodes. The pilot episode was broadcast as an advanced preview on May 19, 2009, followed by a further 12 episodes from September 9, 2009 to December 9, 2009. The season will resume for a further nine episodes from April 13, 2010. The first 13 episodes of the season aired on Wednesdays at 9:00 pm, while the final nine episodes will be aired on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm. The season received generally favorable reviews, and was nominated for four Golden Globe Awards: six Satellite Awards and several guild awards.
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