In the field of crop production, weed science is probably budding much faster in comparison to all its different component subjects. Indeed, under changing climate weed management becoming a much more difficult task for the both scientific and farming communities. The battle against weeds is a never-ending one and often the costliest agronomic input in successful crop production. Weeds hold the upper hand in reducing crop yields with a share of one-third of other pests and consume much time, which otherwise would have been utilized for other crop production activities. As per the estimates, 10-15 % of the crop production is lost yearly due to weeds amounting to over Rs. 100,000 crores. Sadly, they inflict damage to crops that may go unnoticed at initial stages and are realized later when nothing could be done. Thus, weed science does exist and will exist as long as crop cultivation will be practiced on earth. This is the major reason/inspiration to bring these textbook cum application manual for the students, researchers, academicians and farmers.