How can young people be inspired for global justice? This book covers a wide range of topics: from the history of the actors of One-World-Work since the 1960s to the development of the didactics of their educational work and a concept for Global Learning. First of all, the biblical foundations of poverty and justice are examined. Then it is about the pedagogical attitude with which the learning process is shaped in dialogue and consultation. This is directed towards the transformation of heart and mind. The goal of global learning is to develop a connection to distant fellow human beings and to creation, which is characterized by active charity and leads to a responsible lifestyle. This requires a change from powerlessness to hope, from captivity in the consumer and meritocracy to freedom and from guilt to the promise of forgiveness. Global Learning motivates young people to work for the transformation of economic and political structures. For youth workers and One-World-Actors this book offers profound background knowledge combined with didactic tools. This book has been translated with Artificial Intelligence.