Commentaries about this book...
From an international academic perspective:
"There are a lot of very good textbooks about International HR Management available in the US, but none about Transnational Management of HR, the most advanced approch of leading world class corporations.
Martin Hilb's new book represents a milestone in Interantional HRM. It is a result of his worldwide experience as an executive, educator, and consultant."
Professor Ann Hughes, Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School of Management, University of Dallas/Texas (USA)
From an international executive perspective:
"Martin Hilb's new "4 P Model of Glocalpreneuring" provides a credible and very usefull analytical framework for world class companies, which simultaneously aim to achieve global integration and to retain local flexibility.
In addition, this model has the great advantage of being simple without being simplistic."
Michael Hilti, Chairman of the Board, Hilti Corporation (the worldwide leader in fasterning technology)
Fron an interantional consulting perspective:
" Professor Martin Hilb's new book recommends a new type of international executive: the glocalpreneur whose name is truly self-explanatory. The term reflects the new leader who combines global, strategic/conceptual thinking and effectiveness with local responsiveness in an entrepreneurial, visionary way, representing an impeccable sense of integrity and personal values.
This is precisely what transnational companies need at the top to become leaders of chnage rather than victims of change."
Dr. Egon P.S. Zehnder, Chairman of the Board, Egon Zehnder Interantiona Inc.
From an international academic perspective:
"There are a lot of very good textbooks about International HR Management available in the US, but none about Transnational Management of HR, the most advanced approch of leading world class corporations.
Martin Hilb's new book represents a milestone in Interantional HRM. It is a result of his worldwide experience as an executive, educator, and consultant."
Professor Ann Hughes, Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School of Management, University of Dallas/Texas (USA)
From an international executive perspective:
"Martin Hilb's new "4 P Model of Glocalpreneuring" provides a credible and very usefull analytical framework for world class companies, which simultaneously aim to achieve global integration and to retain local flexibility.
In addition, this model has the great advantage of being simple without being simplistic."
Michael Hilti, Chairman of the Board, Hilti Corporation (the worldwide leader in fasterning technology)
Fron an interantional consulting perspective:
" Professor Martin Hilb's new book recommends a new type of international executive: the glocalpreneur whose name is truly self-explanatory. The term reflects the new leader who combines global, strategic/conceptual thinking and effectiveness with local responsiveness in an entrepreneurial, visionary way, representing an impeccable sense of integrity and personal values.
This is precisely what transnational companies need at the top to become leaders of chnage rather than victims of change."
Dr. Egon P.S. Zehnder, Chairman of the Board, Egon Zehnder Interantiona Inc.