In a world teetering on the brink of extinction, humanity's survival hangs by a thread. In this chaos, an ancient society, burdened by the weight of history, embarks on a radical journey to atone for past wrongs. After the tragic loss of her best friend, Harlow sought solace in her friend's unfinished quest, hoping to uncover answers and find closure. Through a portal, she enters a vibrant realm filled with thrilling adventures and mystical experiences. Along the way, finding love in a fated mate, facing formidable enemies. This journey is not just a physical one, but a transformative odyssey that challenges her beliefs and shapes her destiny. Kieran, as a natural born of the God race, finds himself in a world shaken by the absence of a prophecy crucial for everyone's salvation. The weight of this loss reverberates through the realm, leaving uncertainty and chaos in its wake. Now, Kieran must navigate through this tumultuous landscape, facing challenges and seeking a new path forward amidst the shadows of the prophecy's absence. In their quest to uncover the truth, these two fated mates must protect Harlow from growing dangers. There is someone else who desires her, willing to go to any lengths to get what they want. The looming threats that surround them heighten the urgency of their mission, creating a tense atmosphere where every move could have significant consequences. Will these two quell the rising dangers? This interesting tale weaves together romantic escapades, spice, destined bonds, and a world where magick thrives amidst both magickal and nonmagickal beings. A story brimming with enchantment, intrigue, and adventure that will keep readers spellbound until the very end. For the one to see the futures past, Is thrice blessed to conquer lightfast. Fire be true, With leadership firm. Changing destiny right. Grab your copy today! Ravens Night Reading Order Book 1: Goddess Kindled Book 2: God Awakened (December 2024) Book 3: Coming Soon 2025
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