Frits Koster lived as a Buddhist monk in Asia for six years. He is a qualified MBSR, MBCL and IMP teacher and teaches mindfulness and compassion internationally. He is the co-author of various books (Silkworm Books and Routledge). Jetty Heynekamp is a qualified physiotherapist who has been practising insight meditation since 1982. She is a certified mindfulness teacher and leads meditation retreats and communication workshops. Victoria Norton is a certified mindfulness teacher whose professional background is in teaching and communications management.
Introduction - Why Go On Retreat 1. Going into Silence: Day 1 - Basic
Advice for Kindness and Mindfulness 2. Wisely and Compassionately Relating
to Reactivity: Day 2 - Inquiry Meetings with the Teacher and Patience 3.
Being Aware in a Relaxed Way: Day 3 - Mindfulness and Generosity 4.
Becoming at Ease with Impermanence: Day 4 - Inner Patterns and Wisdom 5.
The Art of Living: Relaxed Commitment: Day 5 - Mindfulness in Daily
Activities and Compassionate Breathing (Tonglen) 6. The Power of
Simplification: Day 6 - Moments of Intention and Cultivating Integrity and
Gratitude 7. Recognising the Feeling Tone: Day 7 - Steadiness and
Equanimity in the Practice 8. Fruits of the Practice: Day 8 - Ethics and
Returning to Daily Life 9. A Few Last Words of Advice: Choosing a Suitable
Retreat 10. Taking Part in an Online Retreat: Dos and Don'ts