In urbanen Räumen zeigen sich Charakteristika der spätmodernen Gesellschaft besonders deutlich und werden in ihren Konsequenzen für die Gestaltung gegenwärtiger gottesdienstlicher Praxis greifbar. In der vorliegenden Studie werden ausgewählte gottesdienstliche Praxisvollzüge aus dem Kontext der Citykirchenarbeit mithilfe eines ethnografischen Forschungsansatzes multiperspektivisch und multimethodisch rekonstruiert. Gottesdienstliche Praxis kommt hierbei als ein komplexes Zusammenspiel von Raum, Körper, Bewegung und Sprache sowie in ihrer sozialräumlichen Einbettung in den Blick. Ausgehend von einer solchen vielschichtigen Analyse werden für die untersuchten Praxisformate unterschiedliche Deutungsperspektiven herausgearbeitet und für gegenwärtige gottesdienst- und kirchentheoretische Fragestellungen fruchtbar gemacht.
[Worship Practice in the City. Ethnographic Explorations and Reconstructions of Worship and Church Theory]
Characteristics of late modern society are particularly evident in urban spaces and become tangible in their consequences for the design of contemporary worship practice. In this study, selected worship practices from the context of city church work are reconstructed multi-perspectivally and multi-methodically using an ethnographic research approach. Worship practice is examined as a complex interplay of space, body, movement and language as well as in its socio-spatial embedding. Based on such a multi-layered analysis, different interpretative perspectives are worked out for the practice formats examined and made fruitful for current questions of worship and church theory.
[Worship Practice in the City. Ethnographic Explorations and Reconstructions of Worship and Church Theory]
Characteristics of late modern society are particularly evident in urban spaces and become tangible in their consequences for the design of contemporary worship practice. In this study, selected worship practices from the context of city church work are reconstructed multi-perspectivally and multi-methodically using an ethnographic research approach. Worship practice is examined as a complex interplay of space, body, movement and language as well as in its socio-spatial embedding. Based on such a multi-layered analysis, different interpretative perspectives are worked out for the practice formats examined and made fruitful for current questions of worship and church theory.