Donald E BlakeGrassroots Politicians
Party Activists in British Columbia
Donald E. Blake is a professor and head of theDepartment of Political Science at the University of British Columbiaand the author of Two Political Worlds: Parties and Voting inBritish Columbia (1985). R.K. Carty is anassociate professor in the Department of Political Science at theUniversity of British Columbia. He is the co-editor of NationalPolitics and Community in Canada (1986). LyndaErickson is an assistant professor in the Department ofPolitical Science at Simon Fraser University.
Tables and Figures
1. The Polarization of BC Politics
2. Party Activists in British Columbia
3. Continuity and Change: Party Activists, 1973-87
4. Social Credit: Pragmatic Coalition or Ideological Right?
5. The New Democrats: What Kind of Left?
6. The Liberals: Centre or Fringe?
7. Leadership Selection in the BC Parties
8. The Social Credit Grassroots Recapture Their Party
9. Resisting Polarization: The Survival of the Liberals
10. Towards the Centre?: The Dynamics of Two-Party Competition