Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Gravitation is a shounen-ai manga series written by Maki Murakami.The story follows the attempts of Shuichi Shindou and his band, Bad Luck, to become Japan''s next musical sensation and his struggles to capture Yuki''s heart. Fitting for the subject, the anime features a large amount of music, a diverse set of characters, plenty of comedy, romance, and touches of drama and violence. The manga originally ended in 2002 after 12 volumes, but new chapters are being serialized in an online manga anthology . It is known as gravitation EX or gravitation genzo. The first volume of this manga has been licensed and is published in English by Tokyopop. The Gravitation novel was released in English by Tokyopop on March 7, 2006. Gravitation has also been adapted into an anime series lasting 13 episodes. It was directed by Bob Shirohata. A two episode OVA series was released in 1999. The thirteen-episode TV series aired in Japan from October 4, 2000 to January 10, 2001, on WOWOW satellite channel. The anime goes to roughly volume 7 of the manga.