What do students remember about environmental
education programs in which they participated? Do
environmental education programs help develop pro-
environmental behaviour? What kinds of questions
should we be asking ourselves when we develop
environmental education programs?
Through an evaluative framework, this research will
attempt to answer some of these questions. Using
interdisciplinary sources the author explores the
notions of learning, memory of experience, and life
paths to pro-environmental behaviour as a framework.
The evaluation looked at specific environmental
education programs offered at four particular sites
in British Columbia, Canada.
education programs in which they participated? Do
environmental education programs help develop pro-
environmental behaviour? What kinds of questions
should we be asking ourselves when we develop
environmental education programs?
Through an evaluative framework, this research will
attempt to answer some of these questions. Using
interdisciplinary sources the author explores the
notions of learning, memory of experience, and life
paths to pro-environmental behaviour as a framework.
The evaluation looked at specific environmental
education programs offered at four particular sites
in British Columbia, Canada.