As 21st-century companies realize they'll need to be green to compete, sustainability ideas are spreading like wildfire. Here, the go-to expert shows companies how to create a greener work environment based on concrete and cost-effective changes such as:
- working from home, video-conferencing, and other ways to cut commuting costs
- increasing access to natural light to save energy
- how to use smart technology to encourage carbon footprint reduction
By solving key problems, green companies can reduce costs, increase productivity, improve employee retention, and increase shareholder value, all while benefiting the environment.
As 21st-century companies realize they'll need to be green to compete, sustainable ideas are spreading like wildfire throughout all fields of modern business. In The Green Workplace , Leigh Stringer, an expert on sustainable workplace design and strategy, shows companies on the cusp of radically transforming their practices how to bring together diverse teams and establish new organizational governance for creative problem-solving in greening their workplace. Her hands-on green strategies are based on concrete and cost-effective changes such as:
- working from home - ways to cut commuting costs
- video conferencing to cut down on travel
- increasing access to natural light to save energy
- and more.
Stringer explains how managers can implement these changes smoothly and efficiently. In solving key problems, she shows companies how a green business reduces costs, increases productivity, improves recruiting and retention, and increases shareholder value, in addition to benefiting the environment. The manager's guide to saving the earth and saving money at the same time
- working from home, video-conferencing, and other ways to cut commuting costs
- increasing access to natural light to save energy
- how to use smart technology to encourage carbon footprint reduction
By solving key problems, green companies can reduce costs, increase productivity, improve employee retention, and increase shareholder value, all while benefiting the environment.
As 21st-century companies realize they'll need to be green to compete, sustainable ideas are spreading like wildfire throughout all fields of modern business. In The Green Workplace , Leigh Stringer, an expert on sustainable workplace design and strategy, shows companies on the cusp of radically transforming their practices how to bring together diverse teams and establish new organizational governance for creative problem-solving in greening their workplace. Her hands-on green strategies are based on concrete and cost-effective changes such as:
- working from home - ways to cut commuting costs
- video conferencing to cut down on travel
- increasing access to natural light to save energy
- and more.
Stringer explains how managers can implement these changes smoothly and efficiently. In solving key problems, she shows companies how a green business reduces costs, increases productivity, improves recruiting and retention, and increases shareholder value, in addition to benefiting the environment. The manager's guide to saving the earth and saving money at the same time