Auf der Suche nach dem »wahren Bild des Menschen« beschreibt und deutet Walter Nigg mit großem psychologischem Einfühlungsvermögen die Verfehlungen der »Gegenspieler der Heiligen«, ohne deren Größe zu negieren. Dargestellt werden die Lebensläufe der Großen Unheiligen König Saul, Judas Ischariot, Heloise, Kaiser Friedrich II., Michael Bakunin, Charles Baudelaire und Friedrich Nietzsche.
"Probably everyone who has ever read anything by Nigg will have been asking about other books by this most sensitive and artistic of essayists among religious experts. Those who do not yet know him are greatly to be envied, for they have before them an encounter with a writer who, unflustered by all trends and fashions, not only revealed the great variety of the manifestations of the Christian religion but who was himself a deeply religious man." (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung)
"It is a rare thing nowadays in theological, especially historic-biographical literature for an author to make a real discovery. Nigg does just this at every turn, and it is this that makes his books great." (Süddeutscher Rundfunk)»Mittels brillant geschriebener, von ökumenischem Geist geprägter Bücher führt Nigg nach und nach das ganze Spektrum christlicher Existenzmöglichkeiten vor Augen.« Charles Linsmayer / Literatur Lexikon (Hg. Walther Killy) Literatur Lexikon (Hg. Walther Killy)
"It is a rare thing nowadays in theological, especially historic-biographical literature for an author to make a real discovery. Nigg does just this at every turn, and it is this that makes his books great." (Süddeutscher Rundfunk)»Mittels brillant geschriebener, von ökumenischem Geist geprägter Bücher führt Nigg nach und nach das ganze Spektrum christlicher Existenzmöglichkeiten vor Augen.« Charles Linsmayer / Literatur Lexikon (Hg. Walther Killy) Literatur Lexikon (Hg. Walther Killy)
»Mittels brillant geschriebener, von ökumenischem Geist geprägter Bücher führt Nigg nach und nach das ganze Spektrum christlicher Existenzmöglichkeiten vor Augen.« Charles Linsmayer / Literatur Lexikon (Hg. Walther Killy) Literatur Lexikon (Hg. Walther Killy)"Probably everyone who has ever read anything by Nigg will have been asking about other books by this most sensitive and artistic of essayists among religious experts. Those who do not yet know him are greatly to be envied, for they have before them an encounter with a writer who, unflustered by all trends and fashions, not only revealed the great variety of the manifestations of the Christian religion but who was himself a deeply religious man." (Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung)
"It is a rare thing nowadays in theological, especially historic-biographical literature for an author to make a real discovery. Nigg does just this at every turn, and it is this that makes his books great." (Süddeutscher Rundfunk)
"It is a rare thing nowadays in theological, especially historic-biographical literature for an author to make a real discovery. Nigg does just this at every turn, and it is this that makes his books great." (Süddeutscher Rundfunk)