During an aircraft stop, the load may range from nearly nothing at brake application (when many aircraft are still nearly airborne) to greater value than the static loads. The energies absorbed by aircraft brakes are orders of higher magnitude. Aircraft anti- skid brake system uses sensors monitoring the movement of aircraft, and controls the system according to how much the wheel slide. This system can be developed from a number of switching techniques called anti- skid braking system. In this work, slip-ratio-controlled technique is used for the aircraft brake system. During fault-free condition of operation, it shall be able to stop the aircraft in minimum possible distance without any wheel lock condition under various braking conditions like runway type, runway and type characteristics, braking speed, landing load and brake pad characteristics. An estimate of slip is estimated using a technique called H filter design. The purpose of estimation is to make the slip, error free, from the unwanted noises coming out from the sensors and other measuring devices which affect the system parameters.