Chinese herbal medicine is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the use of Chinese herbs for treating diseases. The most common method of Chinese herbal medicine is the preparation of decoction. Such a decoction includes nine to eighteen substances. These substances are classified as the main herbs or ancillary herbs. A decoction may also use some substances which cancel out the side effects or toxicity of herbs. These decoctions are later condensed and converted into a powdered or granular form. The most prominent herbs used in chines herbal medicine are wolfberry, astragalus, ginseng, cinnamon, dong quai, licorice, salvia, coptis, etc. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide an in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of Chinese herbal medicine. From theories to research to practical applications, case studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to this field have been included herein. This book is a vital tool for all researching or studying this discipline as it gives incredible insights into emerging trends and concepts.
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