The worldwide consumption of surfactants now exceeds several million tonnes per annum. Six ofthe major types represent approximately 80% of the volume consumed, whereas the remaining 20% is made up of approximately 40 different chemical types. Commercially produced surface active agents are not pure chemicals, and within each chemical type there can be tremendous variation. Technical staff who are not familiar with surfactants are frequently bewildered by the enormous variety of different products on the market and the vast body of literature which exists on the composition and properties of surfactants. The selection of the best surfactant for any given use therefore becomes a major problem. This volume arose from the clear need to have available a simple reference book summarising the different types of surfactants on the market and their properties. The concept and structure ofthe book evolved from early attempts to define chemical structure/property relationships of all the different types of surfactants commercially available, into a simple handbook providing essential background information for the surfactant user. It is realised that most users will be developing their own data bank of structure/end use property relationships and they will therefore be the experts on end use.
Of previous edition:; Serves the intended purpose well. - Polymer News; A work of reference covering the wide range of all the main types of agents of this nature available currently ... crammed with useful facts about a wide variety of surfactants. - Analyst; It will be a very worthwhile purchase for all those involved with surfactants. - Talanta; Provides a step-by-step account of the problems faced by formulators and gives guidance relating to sources of information. - British Book News; This book is an easily read and well set out account of what is commercially available. It should be useful to chemists formulating products which include surfactants throughout the chemical industry. - Chemistry in Britain