Im Handbuch sind ca. 440 Universitäten und Fachhochschulen in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz verzeichnet, untergliedert in etwa 15.000 wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen. Dokumentiert sind auch zentrale Einrichungen wie Kanzlei, Abteilung für Presse/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Studienberatung, Rechenzentrum und Archiv mit den jeweiligen Leitern. Das Sachregister mit mehr als 1.000 Schlagwörtern dient der inhaltlichen Erschließung des Handbuchs, das Personenregister listet die ca. 12.000 Hochschul- und Institutsleiter alphabetisch auf.
This guide lists the approximately 440 universities and colleges in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It provides information such as address and contact details as well as the leading members of staff for approximately 15,000 scientific departments and institutions, including university offices, departments for press/publicity, student advice centres, computer centres and archives with their respective directors. A subject index with more than 1,000 terms is included along with an index of persons, covering about 12,000 heads of departments.
This guide lists the approximately 440 universities and colleges in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It provides information such as address and contact details as well as the leading members of staff for approximately 15,000 scientific departments and institutions, including university offices, departments for press/publicity, student advice centres, computer centres and archives with their respective directors. A subject index with more than 1,000 terms is included along with an index of persons, covering about 12,000 heads of departments.