The context of this book is to investigate the relationship between digital and hand crafted animation within the UK's future. Animation, is 'the creation of artificial moving images.' When considering animation, certain forms of the subject have to be discovered and explained. This includes short studies of 3-D, 2-D, stop frame, replacement, hand drawn and many more animation methods accessible and produced in the UK. It will identify and establish the reasons whether handmade animation has a stable presence, and also if it has promising prospects. Arguably, there are theories that handmade animation is gradually being forgotten. The quantity of handmade animated feature films are depleting under the strength of their 3-D animated counterparts, which could be a massive threat to this sector. To analyse where hand crafted and mix media animation is heading in the next twenty years, we first need to note the significant strengths in its past. Discovering the current improvements will lead us through the journey and try and accurately compose the conclusion to whether handmade methods of producing animation are viable now and in the future.