Foreword Kenneth Falconer
Part I. Measures in Abstract, Topological and Metric Spaces: 1. Introduction
2. Measures in abstract spaces
3. Measures in topological spaces
4. Measures in metric spaces
5. Lebesgue measure in n-dimensional Euclidean space
6. Metric measures in topological spaces
7. The Souslin operation
Part II. Hausdorff Measures: 8. Definition of Hausdorff measures and equivalent definitions
9. Mappings, special Hausdorff measures, surface areas
10. Existence theorems
11. Comparison theorems
12. Souslin sets
13. The increasing sets lemma and its consequences
14. The existence of comparable net measures and their properties
15. Sets of non-¿-finite measure
Part III. Applications of Hausdorff Measures: 16. A survey of applications of Hausdorff measures
17. Sets of real numbers defined in terms of their expansions into continued fractions
18. The space of non-decreasing continuous functions defined on the closed unit interval