On a global scale, clinical and morphogenetic substantiation of new principles for the prevention of sensorineural hearing loss and deafness in children, the improvement of diagnostics and rehabilitation methods, research work is currently being carried out in a number of priority areas. Despite numerous works devoted to the study of sensorineural hearing loss, its diagnosis and treatment methods, the trend towards an increase in the number of children with hearing loss persists. The relevance of the problem of perinatal pathology of the CNS in the formation of hearing impairment in children and the insufficient level of scientific research on the role of etiological factors in the development of congenital hearing loss or deafness, the high prevalence of hearing impairment among children, necessitates the development of new forms of diagnosing hearing pathology in newborns. In our country, large-scale measures are being taken in the field of healthcare, in particular, programs for the early detection of congenital and hereditary diseases to prevent congenital disability.