In this compelling biographical portrait, the extraordinary double life of Hedy Lamarr, the glamorous Hollywood diva who concealed an inventive genius destined to change the world, emerges. From her controversial debut in the film Ecstasy, through her escape from Nazi-occupied Vienna, to her triumphant arrival in Hollywood, each chapter of her life reveals a woman determined to defy convention. The narrative unfolds between the film sets of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, where Hedy captivated audiences with her breathtaking beauty, and the secret nights devoted to her inventions. You will discover how this extraordinary woman, in the breaks between films, developed a revolutionary alternate-frequency communication system that today forms the basis of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and mobile phones. The book reveals surprising details about her collaboration with composer George Antheil, the patent she donated to the US Navy during World War II, and the lack of recognition of her genius for decades. Through previously unpublished documents and exclusive testimonies, a portrait emerges of a complex woman: acclaimed actress, visionary inventor, devoted mother and free spirit. A story that challenges every stereotype and redefines the concept of female talent in the 20th century. A fitting tribute to a brilliant mind who lived far beyond the boundaries of her time, whose legacy continues to influence our daily lives in ways few can imagine.
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