Hell Girl, also known as Jigoku Sh jo: Girl from Hell in Animax Asia's English-language television broadcasts, is an anime series, produced by Aniplex and Studio Deen. It premiered across Japan on numerous television stations, including Animax, Tokyo MX, MBS and others, between October 4, 2005 and April 4, 2006. Following the success of the first season, the series was followed soon after into a second, Jigoku Sh jo Futakomori, which premiered October 7, 2006 across Japan on Animax. A live-action television series adaptation started airing in Japan on Nippon Television from November 4, 2006. A third season of the anime, further continuing the series, was first announced on the mobile version of the series' official website Jigoku Ts shin. The official title of the third season was announced to be Jigoku Sh jo Mitsuganae. and began airing on Japanese TV October 4, 2008.
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