B2B eMarketplaces are generally seen to bring various
benefits to their participants in terms of cost
reduction, efficiency gains, simplification of
business processes, improvement of information
flows and more. However, particularly SMEs still
remain hesitant with regards to trading on eMarketplaces.
In this book the author analyses the benefits that
those trading platforms could offer to SMEs as well
as the barriers - whether perceived or real which
still tend to hinder SMEs from taking part in B2B
eMarketplaces. Subsequently the book discusses the
preconditions that would be necessary to foster
SME-participation and the role that public
authorities, as well as the SMEs themselves, would
have to play in this. The author closes with
recommendations to policy makers at regional,
national and European level, especially highlighting
the role of the European Commission.
Besides addressing policy makers and public
institutions on all levels, this book aims at
business representatives and all kinds of
stakeholders in the eBusiness sector as well as
European SMEs themselves that are willing to harness
the potential of B2B eMarketplaces.
benefits to their participants in terms of cost
reduction, efficiency gains, simplification of
business processes, improvement of information
flows and more. However, particularly SMEs still
remain hesitant with regards to trading on eMarketplaces.
In this book the author analyses the benefits that
those trading platforms could offer to SMEs as well
as the barriers - whether perceived or real which
still tend to hinder SMEs from taking part in B2B
eMarketplaces. Subsequently the book discusses the
preconditions that would be necessary to foster
SME-participation and the role that public
authorities, as well as the SMEs themselves, would
have to play in this. The author closes with
recommendations to policy makers at regional,
national and European level, especially highlighting
the role of the European Commission.
Besides addressing policy makers and public
institutions on all levels, this book aims at
business representatives and all kinds of
stakeholders in the eBusiness sector as well as
European SMEs themselves that are willing to harness
the potential of B2B eMarketplaces.