The main achievements of modern surgery in the treatment of diffuse liver disease (DLD) are associated with the development and implementation of new methods aimed at maximizing the stimulation of reparative regeneration factors in liver tissue. Clinical implementation of cell-tissue transplants was preceded by numerous experimental works proving the possibility of regression of cirrhotic changes and expediency of regeneration stimulation. The most modern and least traumatic method of treatment of chronic liver failure is transplantation of human fetal tissues. This is due not only to the absence of surgical trauma, but also to the fact that the fetal tissue when entering the body is able to integrate into the liver tissue of the recipient, secreting a large range of biologically active substances, which stimulate processes of reparative regeneration of liver cells of the recipient. This monograph presents the results of examinations, clinical studies and complex treatment of patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases at various stages of the disease. The book is intended for surgeons, clinical residents and interns.