Ayurveda by itself can tackle the needs of health care today, though some adaptation can make it more valuable in today's world. Medicinal requirement is not always fulfilled by systemic route so there is need to change the route to administer the drug. In Ayurveda proper Nebulization therapy has been not explained but the process of Dhumpana and Nasya may be analogous in some extent. Here in this work we had discussed various facts and factors for establishing new route of drug administration in form of herbal nebulizer. As we all know technique of nebulizer in form of aerosol through nebulization apparatus for herbal drugs is better route for respiratory distress. Technique is tried on principle of Dhumpana and Nasya itself. Thus, this work gives the glimpse of concept of inhalation therapy described in Ayurvedic classics and establishment of newer concept of drug administration route i.e. through Nebulization. Yet a herculean work is needed for better and precise way of converting herbal drugs in form suitable for inhalation therapy.