Electromagnetic waves with frequencies -1011 Hz to -1013 Hz are referred to as Terahertz (THz) radiations. THz radiation has diverse potential applications in security identification, environmental monitoring, remote sensing, food and medicine quality control, biological imaging, material characterization, topography, biomaterials and chemical research, etc. Thus, THz generation is very new and hot area of science and technology. THz radiations are highly attenuated in water. Thus, most of the aforementioned applications demand high intensity THz signals. This book largely contains the methods for high intensity THz generation based on the plasma as source of radiation. Plasma is a nonlinear medium that can support very high energy. Different aspects of the input parameters to optimise the efficiency, power, and intensity of THz generation are also discussed. Therefore, this book is a pioneer effort in the field of THz science and technology. This book will be very helpful for undergraduate students, graduate students and research scholars.