Higher Being Bodies constitutes a veritable guide or manual for the development of spiritual consciousness. Ocke de Boer presents his very personal understanding in a manner that encourages his reader to follow the same path. He brings a broad understanding of sources and to Gurdjieff's teaching including Gurdjieff's Eastern sources in Hinduism, Buddhism and Christian thought. The order of presentation leads the reader from clear definitions to practical directions for self-work, all of which culminate in the practice of Unity Thinking. Ocke's description of man's seven states of being is an optimistic view of his reader's possibility to lift the self to a higher level. He encourages his reader by assuring him that he already has extraordinary possibilities in his nature. He explains the nature of negative emotions and the dangers of dualistic thinking. In doing all this he avoids scientific jargon that tends to obscure Gurdjieff's teachings in other works. In a many ways, he clarifies much that others have written.