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Main description:
The volume contains 37 papers originally presented at the 8th International Conference on Historical Linguistics in Lille, France. The papers bring historical data to bear on issues in theoretical linguistics, both descriptive and diachronic or deal with specific questions in the history of individual languages. The theoretical issues range from phonology over morphology and syntax to the lexicon, as well as questions of historical dialectology, language contact, the theory of linguistic change, and problems of comparative reconstruction. The languages discussed are…mehr

Main description:
The volume contains 37 papers originally presented at the 8th International Conference on Historical Linguistics in Lille, France. The papers bring historical data to bear on issues in theoretical linguistics, both descriptive and diachronic or deal with specific questions in the history of individual languages. The theoretical issues range from phonology over morphology and syntax to the lexicon, as well as questions of historical dialectology, language contact, the theory of linguistic change, and problems of comparative reconstruction. The languages discussed are Finno-Ugric and Indo-European, most of the papers dealing with Germanic and Romance languages (especially English and French), but some being devoted to Greek, Celtic, Slavic, and Hittite.

Table of contents:
- Foreword
- The structure of drift
- Conflicting teleologies
- Language change
- Syntactic reconstruction and Finno-Ugric
- Case assignment and NP movement in the history of Scandinavian
- Domesday Book and Late Old English dialects
- Bilinguisme et interférences
- Reanalysing actualization, and actualizing reanalysis
- The rise of om in Middle Dutch infinitive constructions
- Discourse functions and syntactic change
- Framing the linguistic communication scene
- La polysémie de of en vieil anglais et la métaphore spatialisante
- Le cadre des changements phonétiques dans les langues romanes
- Le rôle du système dans l'évolution d'un verbe en grec ancien
- Whatever happened to the ablaut nouns in English 2; and why did it not happen in German?
- Sources négligées dans l'histoire du vocabulaire
- Shall or will ? Choice of the variant form in Early Modern English, British and American
- Le développement de ce que en français et l'évolution du relatif-interrogatif-exclamatif
- L'enfer de brumes et marais dans la tradition germano-celtique. Un problème mythologiqueet linguistique indo-européen
- The structure and development of possessive noun phrases in Hittite
- The ghost of the agent in Romance
- Non-adjacency in geminate structure
- Modes of inference and the gradual/rapid issue
- A case of Proto-Indo-European allomorphy
- Ouir, entendre, comprendre
- Neutralisation sémantique et marquage fonctionnel
- Romance comparative grammar and linguistic change
- Local and global change in word formation
- Germanic Verschärfung
- Mécanismes et nature du changement syntaxique
- The unaccusative hypothesis and the history of the perfect auxiliary in Germanic and Romance
- Functional differentiation in the emerging English standard language
- Verb phrase conjunction in Old English
- Évolution droite ou sinueuse
- On the history of grounding markers in English narrative
- Cognitive Grammar and Kuryowicz's laws of analogy
- Semantic change in Romance words for 'cut'
- Index of Names compiled by Hans Boon
- Index of Languages compiled by Hans Boon