To have a sense of history, of the past is a guide, and indeed, a light that illuminates and enlightens the present and directs its attention towards the possibilities of the future. Without adequate knowledge of history which is both the written record and oral tradition of events, our contemporary history can easily be disconnected and distorted. As Santayana states, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Solid and substantial foundation of life is a long term investment, a long term solution to the turbulent times. For Christians, that foundation is based on the word of God emanating through the History of Israel. Our patriarchs, our fathers in faith, offer us substantial foundation to our faith. They went through 'turbulentus', which were very much sustained by their strong faith. They are a guarantee to us and to our future generations as stand we for them as their faith-stepping stones; hence, making part and parcel of that history of Christianity as it is founded in the History of Israel.