In this groundbreaking work, Stanislav Kirschbaum examines the Slovak contribution to European civilization in the Middle Ages, the development of a specifically Slovak consciousness in the nineteenth century, the Slovak struggle for autonomy in Czech-dominated Czechoslovakia created by the Treaty of Versailles, the problems that the first Slovak Republic faced in a Nazi-controlled Europe, and the Slovak reaction to the communist regime. Kirschbaum completes this fascinating history by examining the debate about the future of Slovakia and the events that led to independence.
Table of contents:
List of Maps - Preface - Introduction - The Land and Its People - The First State - The Middle Ages - The Habsburg Empire - The National Awakening - The Politics of Survival - The Struggle for Nationhood - The First Czechoslovak Republic 1918-38 - The Slovak Republic 1939-45 - The Uprising of 1944 - Communism and Federalism - Democracy and Independence - Epilogue - Notes - Selected Bibliography - Index
Table of contents:
List of Maps - Preface - Introduction - The Land and Its People - The First State - The Middle Ages - The Habsburg Empire - The National Awakening - The Politics of Survival - The Struggle for Nationhood - The First Czechoslovak Republic 1918-38 - The Slovak Republic 1939-45 - The Uprising of 1944 - Communism and Federalism - Democracy and Independence - Epilogue - Notes - Selected Bibliography - Index