A medium is first and foremost a means, a tool, a technique and an intermediary that enables people to express themselves and communicate this expression to others, whatever the purpose of this communication and whatever form it may take. The media is also defined by its use, which designates both a specific role that has come to prevail, and the best way of fulfilling that role. Over time, the media have evolved into an organ of information, a means of entertainment, escape or knowledge, and a vehicle for the promotion of artistic works. The press, cinema, radio, television and, later, the Internet, all made a name for themselves as vehicles for information and communication. Gradually, the media took on more or less unexpected objectives, helping to strengthen ties between people. This book provides an historical overview of the conditions under which the media emerged, and the role they have played in society in general. More specifically, it shows what is really at stake in Africa, in terms of information and communication practices.