Holt's Almanac revolves around a clever and knowledgeable protagonist, Holt Dooley, and his encounters of actual folklore creatures that have been recorded around the United States. His journey starts as a criminal and ends in a peculiar fashion, making one want to re-read and catch all of the hidden details. These details were meticulously placed over a period of 5 years of historical and scientific research, which helped to accurately accelerate the interactions of Holt and his gang through many of the American ecosystems, cultures, and legends. This story might appeal to fans of C.S. Lewis, as well as adventurers, and maybe even those who find themselves asking about the meaning of life. After reading Holt's Almanac, one will gain a wealth of unusable facts, find themselves smiling over the quirky humor, and ask questions about other dimensions and the human subconscious. It is altogether possible that one might become healthy, wealthy, and wise after reading this book, although maybe not a direct result.
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