TRUTH EXPOSED... THE BIBLE IS A MYTH! It is as though a dark thunder cloud is hanging over humanity. The atmosphere is sultry. Man's intuitive faculty labors sluggishly under a heavy pressure. Only the nerves affecting the senses and human instincts of the bodies are in a highly-strung condition. Artificially stimulated through the error of a wrong doctrine, a false religion and self-delusion. In this respect the man of today is not normal, but is burdened with a morbid sexual instinct, aggravated tenfold, for which in a hundred forms and ways established a religion that has today become the ruin of all humanity. Infectious and contagious as a plague, all this gradually influences also those who still seek desperately to cling to an ideal that floats half-hidden in their subconscious mind. They indeed stretch forth their arms longingly towards it, but ever again, after a glance at their surroundings, drop them with a sigh of hopelessness and despair. Utterly helpless, they observe with horror how swiftly the clear vision regarding morality and bad habits is obscured, how the capacity to judge is lost, and how these concepts change to such an extent that so much which only a short time before would still have aroused disgust and contempt is very soon regarded as quite natural, not even causing surprise. But the cup will soon be filled to the brim. A terrible awakening must come! In this sultry atmosphere the Holy Axiom grows ever more dense and ominous. At any moment now the first flash of lightning may be expected, rending and lighting up the darkness, and brilliantly illuminating the most obscure corner so relentlessly and sharply as to bring liberation to those striving for light and clarity, but destruction to those who have no longing for the Light.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.