In the modern time, integrated circuit (chip) is widely applied in the electronicequipment. Almost every digital appliance, like computer, camera, music player ormobile phone, has one or several chips on its circuit board. Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI), in general, comprises over an excess of one million transistors, an incrediblefigure that could not have been imagined a decade ago. Though the complexity of thechip has compounded by a factor of 1000 since its first introduction, yet the term VLSIstill remains to be accepted and denotes digital integrated systems with high complexity.Further, past few decades have witnessed an extraordinary increase in VLSI research.The Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has further aided the growth in thecomplexity and performance of integrated circuits in the VLSI technology. With such aphenomenal increase in complexity, it is more crucial than ever before to manage thedesign process, in order to maintain the reliability, quality, and extensibility of a givendesign. The process includes ¿definition, execution and control of design methodologiesin a flexible and configurable way¿. Speed of development in high-performancecomputing, telecommunications
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