In the ordinary world of Eilidh McNally, a young girl living a mundane life, destiny weaves its enchanting threads as she crosses paths with a breathtakingly beautiful and mysterious lad who introduces himself as Tad. However, the idyllic charm of this encounter quickly gives way to a haunting revelation. Tad is no ordinary lad, and his true identity remains shrouded in mystery. His desire - to capture Eilidh and make her his little doll. Yet Tad is not the only one as darkness gathers around the unsuspecting girl, yearning to own her.Will Eilidh escape the clutches of darkness or is she destined to become a pawn in a twisted game of otherworldly powers?'Honeyed Whispers' is just the beginning of a hauntingly captivating tale that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.