In the grimy underbelly of a bustling city, Luzon Richter, a troubled and isolated teenager, finds himself on a dark path of vengeance after years of rejection and humiliation. Transforming into the notorious "Hooded Killer," Luzon unleashes a reign of terror, brutally murdering those who have wronged him. As the city descends into chaos and fear, Detective James is tasked with bringing the elusive killer to justice. The investigation becomes a cat-and-mouse game, with James delving into Luzon's past to uncover the twisted motivations behind his violent spree. As the media frenzy intensifies and public paranoia reaches a fever pitch, Luzon's delusions of invincibility grow stronger. However, his past catches up with him when a figure from his youth recognizes him, threatening to expose his identity. Desperate to protect himself, Luzon resorts to even more brutal methods, leading to a climactic confrontation that leaves him cornered and ultimately captured. The story takes a darker turn when Luzon is drugged and subjected to a horrifying ordeal at the hands of his captors. The trauma leaves him broken, and he is eventually cast into the ocean, his fate left to the mercy of the deep. Meanwhile, Detective James struggles with the emotional toll of the case, his personal life unraveling under the pressure. Years later, the city seems to have moved on, but the shadows of the past linger. Ramon Pepi Delgado, Luzon's son, discovers the truth about his father and vows to avenge him. The cycle of violence and vengeance continues, culminating in a chilling conclusion that leaves the reader with a haunting question about the nature of justice and the legacy of violence.
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