When you hear that someone you know has lost someone close to them often your first thought is how can I help. For many, it will be a yummy casserole found in the freezes nicely section of their cookbook and for others it might be stepping up to run errands or take care of household chores for the newly bereaved. However, there is only so much that needs to be done and only so much room in the freezer. So what else? This incredibly thoughtful gift book and journal will touch on 10 vital steps to care for yourself while grieving the loss of a loved one. Beautifully designed it will make a perfect gift to give to yourself or offer to someone who has just experienced a loss. Hope In The Storm - 10 Steps To Care For Yourself While Grieving is an easy short read on purpose and gets right to the points. At the end of each step is room to journal and capture your thoughts. I have included several grief support resources at the end of the book. As a griever myself, I understand intimately that diving into a 100-page self-help textbook is the last thing the bereaved want to do or probably will do. Tapping into my own experiences with grief, what I have learned through dedicated grief therapy, stories and advice from the multitudes of bereaved parents nationwide that I have met since the death of my youngest son, Tucker, in 2011 to determine the 10 most vital self preservation steps to take when grieving. Through my own grief journey, I have realized that grief will compromise your physical and emotional health which then, in turn, impacts your ability to grieve in a healthy manner that will help prevent deep depression or complicated grief symptoms that often accompany unresolved grief.