"A varied, juicy anthology of gay short takes". -- Village Voice "A worthwhile collection -- the standard is remarkably high". -- Gay Times of London (UK) Danger, romance, humor, and hot sex: all this and more in Hot & Bothered, a short short fiction anthology of lesbian desire, by the co-editor of Queer View Mirror 1 and 2. From a transgendered bashing in Bulgaria, to a sex-obsessed dyke trying to do her grocery shopping, to a woman wearing tit clamps attempting to go through airport security, the tales in Hot & Bothered will get you there in 1,000 words or less. Included in the book are stories by 69 writers, including Dorothy Allison, Persimmon Blackbridge, Lucy Jane Bledsoe, Nisa Donnelly, Elana Dykewomon, Judith Katz, Joan Nestle, Leslea Newman, Gerry Gomez Pearlberg, Sarah Schulman, Kitty Tsui, and Jess Wells.
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