How Not to Get Sued by J.K. Rowling is an account of Bruce Masters' attempt to achieve the near impossible lofty feat that all those before him (who got on the wrong side of the famous litigator) failed to do-not get sued by the most famous figure of the literary and litigious worlds at the start of the 21st century. In 2019, Bruce Masters had reason to contact an individual who requires no introduction. He had hoped his biographical work One Election Please... could be authorised by the individual in question in advance and thus negate the need for court action and litigation-things went terribly wrong, however, right from the very start.... This book explains what went wrong, why and when. It is always good to document everything when thinking about undertaking such an endeavour as Bruce attempted, in earnest, a few years ago with the famous children's author. The person Bruce wanted to work with, collaborate with even, is a billionaire and, as it transpired, a paranoid, threatening, aggressive and bullying billionaire who did everything possible for the entire month of February 2019 to make his life a living hell. Can you imagine what it must feel like to be bullied by a billionaire who has a very long and shameful history of suing so many people, literally across the entire world? It doesn't feel great. Where Bruce had hoped to find humanity, he found only threats. Where Bruce had wished to find common ground, he found only threats. Which caused him to respond in a dramatic and explosive fashion-the initial biography became extended, a diary was created and published (How Not to Get Sued by J.K. Rowling) and a satirical work of fiction (J.K. Rowling In: It's a Kind of Magic) was added to what became The Rowling Trilogy. The Rowling Trilogy: The trilogy begins with J.K. Rowling In: It's a Kind of Magic, a fun and comedic work of political satire in which Rowling is the star of the show, joined by her husband as well as Jeremy Corbyn MP, personal assistants and Subway sandwich workers.... The second instalment is How Not to Get Sued by J.K. Rowling, the diary chronicling Dr Masters' attempts at publishing books relating to the billionaire author without being sued back into the Stone Age. It makes for compelling reading as the communication between the two authors over a prolonged period of time is surprising, revealing and oftentimes shocking. The trilogy concludes with One Election Please... How J.K. Rowling Bought British Politics, Hid Her True Self and Hoodwinked the World, an Unauthorised Biographical Exposé, possibly the longest book title in the world and perhaps the most interesting and unique biography also. The trilogy combined is a humorous, deeply investigative (400 citations and references), revealing and fast-paced reading experience whether you love or loathe Joanne, or even if you currently have no opinion of her as a person or political influencer whatsoever.
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