How to Avoid the Next Financial Crisis provides answers to what caused the financial crisis. A decade later, economists still don't agree on the possible ways of easing capital burden on global banks. Of course, the financial bubble in the Greek banking system was the proximate cause, but this begs the question of what created and escalated this problem in the first place.Using theories such as Basel 3, Washington Consensus, New Structural Economics and Creative Destruction, Kingsley analysed potential types of future crisis and the impact of globalization on the crisis. The researcher also suggested prevention methods, with emphasis on the role of fiscal and monetary policies.This book isn't just an academic exercise for History students. It's critical that we never repeat the mistakes that liquidated more than $7 trillion of wealth and sent unemployment rates to their highest levels in three decades. How to Avoid the Next Financial Crisis is recommended for research students, educators and all knowledge-seekers.