There is a reason many people succeed in network marketing while many others fail. This book explores the reasons so that anyone can understand and climb as high as they want in the business.It sounds so simple. Recruit a bunch of people. Sell a bunch of products. When your recruits do it and their recruits do it, you're on your way to the Land of Time and Money. (All the money you need and all the free time to enjoy it). While it is simple to explain, it takes a few simple skills to connect the dots and make it happen.Unfortunately, most network marketers never learn the skills. This is the book that contains easy to follow steps to fill that void.This book covers: How to select the business that is right for youHow to select a team that can guide you to successHow to get a financial incentive from the governmentHow to always have people standing in line waiting to hear about your businessWhat to show themHow to start your new people on the path to successHow to leverage the natural laws of businessNetwork marketing professionals are some of the highest paid people in the world. This book tells you how to become one of them. It was written by a successful network marketer who made it to one of the top positions in his company
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