Paul MasonHow to Design the World's Best Skatepark
In 10 Simple Steps
Armed with a MacBook Air and the miracle of the Internet, Paul lives and writes at a secret location somewhere on the west coast of Europe. You can be pretty sure that keeping his feet warm under the writing table is his one-eyed surf dog, Daisy. As well as being a writer, Paul is a wanderer. He has lived in various countries - always in the high mountains, or somewhere near a good surfing beach. "Wherever I am, though, and whatever else I'm doing," he says, "I follow Ray Bradbury's advice: 'Write, every single day.'" Paul writes about many subjects, but his books are mostly to do with sports, the world's different peoples, places, and animals, or the weird and wonderful.
1: Designing the world's best skatepark
2: Dream design
3: Expert bowl
4: Full pipe
5: Beginner bowl
6: Vert ramp
7: Main street
8: Side street
9: Hubbaland
10: Contest republic
11: Snake city
12: Food factory
13: The world's greatest skatepark
14: The world's top skateparks
15: Glossary
16: Index